In weeks 7-9, we were planning what we were going to do with our sprites like names of them. We all made animations for our sprites. The strawberry squisher sprite was remade so many times. We also switched repositiories because Varnika's repositiory did not have the certain files we needed. I sprite I focused on was Strawberry Squisher. It took many tries to make it right. When I got it right, someone deleted it, and made their own. I did all that work for nothing. Next, was Iceman. With Iceman, Derek already animated him, so I just had to flip the sprite. There was another sprite I worked on for two days, but I couldn't fix the problem on it. In the end, Nora fixed the sprite in 15 minutes.
In weeks 10-11, we decided to put the game together and it went horrible. From one week the whole repository went from looking half decent to a mess. Over time, the repository slowly got better, but still was in pieces. It's still a work in progress.